
Typical of Emilia Romagna, they can be found throughout Italy. The ciccioli (cracklings) are produced using the leftovers of lean and fat parts of the hog which are melted to obtain lard.


Typical of Emilia Romagna, they can be found throughout Italy. The ciccioli (cracklings) are produced using the leftovers of lean and fat parts of the hog which are melted to obtain lard. They can be soft or dry.

How to make ciccioli

To produce the lard, the pork fat is cut into small pieces and cooked over a low heat to let the very little water evaporate. While this white compound is filtered, collected and stored – becoming one of the many ingredients of Italian cuisine, what remains is a soft and solid dough. This mixture obtained from filtering, when is still hot is defatted, flavoured and pressed to obtain flakes or larger forms.